AcrossBorders’ first public appearance in Munich







With our move from Vienna to Munich and all the logistic and administrative things of the last weeks, Sai Island seems like ages ago, but in reality only 5 weeks have passed since we left Sudan! Especially because of this sensed long distance, I am very happy that Sudan and archaeological work there is the focus of an upcoming event here in Munich. Tomorrow’s lecture event dedicated to Sudan in the Egyptian Museum Munich is also the perfect opportunity to present AcrossBorders’ most recent results to an audience in our new German home. I am very grateful for this chance to introduce my project and to talk about latest findings, new questions and planned tasks. Fieldwork within the New Kingdom town of Sai in 2014 and 2015 will be the focus, but I will also mention our newly discovered tomb in cemetery SAC5.

To illustrate the potential of tomb 26, I will show some of the nice complete pottery vessels from the shaft bottom. Together with the marl clay pilgrim flasks and amphorae, one almost complete stone vessel, SAC5 212, was found in the southeastern corner.

Stone vessel SAC5 212 found at the bottom of the shaft of tomb 26.

Stone vessel SAC5 212 found at the bottom of the shaft of tomb 26.

This clustering opposite of the entrance to the burial chamber already suggested that the finds are remains of a burial which was removed from the chamber and left in the shaft during one of the phases of reuse (or possibly plundering?). One finding from the burial chamber supports the assumption that the remains on the shaft bottom were originally deposited in the chamber: A small rim fragment of the almost complete stone vessel SAC5 212 was discovered in the debris just inside the burial chamber.

Post-excavation processing was unfortunately slowed down because of the transfer of the project, but I am positive that we will soon have results from the ongoing studies of the ceramics, small finds, landscape and micromorphology!

AcrossBorders on the move…

One of the big advantages of ERC starting grants is their portability – in case the grant holder is offered a higher position or better career perspectives, his/her project moves also to the new host institution. This now applies to AcrossBorders – having been appointed as Professor for Egyptian Archaeology and Art, my project will be transferred from the Austrian Academy of Sciences to the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich by April 1. I am very proud and happy that AcrossBorders will be embedded in one of Europe’s leading research universities.

In the field of Egyptology, Munich has with the Institute for Egyptology and Coptic Studies a long tradition of archaeological fieldwork in Egypt. The State Museum of Egyptian Art Munich holds not only splendid objects from both Egypt and Sudan, but also one of the most important concessions for excavations in Sudan (Naga) – AcrossBorders fits in perfectly in these fieldwork projects and will help to strengthen the importance of Munich as one of the main centres for Sudan archaeology in Germany.

Up to now, AcrossBorders has made very good progress according to schedule. We conducted fieldwork in Egypt and Sudan, had several workshops and meetings and a number of publications were submitted respectively published. Above all, we had a really good time in Vienna!

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AcrossBorders’ core team 2014 in Vienna.


Our Sudanese friend and colleague Huda Magzoub visited us in Vienna (workshop summer 2014).


AcrossBorders participated in the Junior Science Club 2014.

Arvi explaining the technical drawing of pottery to pupils (Vienna 2014).

Arvi explaining the technical drawing of pottery to pupils (Vienna 2014).

I am very grateful for all the support of the administration and the personnel management of the Academy and of course to all persons involved of OREA. Special thanks go to Dagmar Melman for all her patience in the last 2.5 years!

Due to various reasons, not all of AcrossBorders’ team members will be able to come to Munich – I am very happy that Giulia, Jördis and Miranda will accompany me to my new institution! Florence, Arvi, Daniela and Elke who unfortunately will not go for the Bavarian experience deserve special thanks for their participation and contribution – was great working with all of you! New team members will join us shortly and will be introduced on this blog.

Finally, thanks to my Austrian START prize and the kind agreement of both the Academy and the LMU, research will continue at OREA and I will remain the PI of this FWF funded and Austria-based project – moving between Vienna and Munich will for sure provide interesting results and stimulate fresh ideas in the next years. Looking much forward to this new challenge!

AcrossBorders 2015: looking back at a fruitful season

Thanks to the great help and support by our Sudanese colleagues, everything was arranged in the last days here in Khartoum and a set of samples is waiting to be exported; Martin and me are flying out early tomorrow morning – as the last team members of AcrossBorders’ 2015 field season.

Looking back, it’s a challenge to summarize these ten weeks in the field on Sai Island. The 2015 field season resulted in various important insights and added valuable information about the evolution of the Pharaonic town of Sai Island and its development from the early 18th Dynasty to the Ramesside era. The four most important results can be briefly summarized as follows:

(1)     The features unearthed in the southern part of SAV1 East pre-date “Building A” and probably belong to the early 18th Dynasty. With feature 57, a terrace wall set against the natural gravel deposit, affinities to the building technique of the Kerma culture – dry-stone walls with galus/earth– can be noted. All in all, these southern remains mirror our findings in 2013 and can be interpreted as the northern extensions of the area excavated by Michel Azim around temple A. A dating to the very early New Kingdom (Ahmose? Amenhotep I?) is most likely.

Early 18th Dynasty remains along the southern edge of SAV1 East; including the terracing wall feature 57.

Early 18th Dynasty remains along the southern edge of SAV1 East; including the terracing wall feature 57.

(2)     “Building A” at SAV1 East provides a close parallel to the so-called residence SAF2 in the southern part of the Pharaonic town, probably also regarding its function. For the first time, large sets of seal impressions were discovered in the Pharaonic town of Sai, allowing reconstructing patterns of the Egyptian administration in Upper Nubia. The recent finds illustrate very well the importance of Sai as administrative centre during the time of Thutmose III, but probably already during the reign of Hatshepsut.

(3)     The earliest phase of occupation within the town enclosure at SAV1 West is contemporaneous to the building of the town wall and dates to the mid-18th Dynasty. There is clear negative evidence for an early 18th Dynasty presence at the site. It has to be highlighted that we also have hints for Ramesside activities at SAV1 West.

Nothing predating the town enclosure was found in SAV1 West - the earliest exposed structures are contemporaneous to the town wall.

Nothing predating the town enclosure was found in SAV1 West – the earliest exposed structures are contemporaneous to the town wall.

(4)     More New Kingdom tombs are still unexcavated in the southern part of the major pyramid cemetery SAC5 – this is clearly illustrated by tomb 26. The findings in tomb 26 testify that there were burials during the 19th Dynasty – of high officials like the jdnw of Kush Hornakht. This is of great importance for understanding the relationship between Sai and Amara West in this era and might be of historical significance for Upper Nubia in a broader sense.

The shaft of tomb 26 yielded a lot of interesting finds attesting to a multiple use!

The shaft of tomb 26 yielded a lot of interesting finds attesting to a multiple use!

Once again I would like to thank everybody who contributed to this very successful 2015 season – all international team members, all colleagues from NCAM and especially our inspector Huda Magzoub who did a fantastic job as usual, all of the house staff (Sidahmed, Abdelfatah, Osama, Moatez and Ahmed), the field staff and of course the local communities on Sai. Looking much forward to the post-excavation processing of this rich set of data, samples and finds and of course to the next season 2016!


The success of the 2015 season was only possibly with great team work!

End of excavation in the cemetery SAC5

AcrossBorders’ excavations on Sai Island have come to an end for 2015. It feels strange at the moment, especially that almost 3 weeks of work in area 2 in SAC5 disappeared under sand again – today we backfilled tomb 26 in order to continue excavating its chamber in the next year.

Backfilling of the shaft of tomb 26.

Backfilling of the shaft of tomb 26.

The shaft of our new tomb yielded a number of interesting finds – inscribed pieces of Hornakht, a complete stone vessel, two scarabs and a number of complete vessels, among them nicely decorated Ramesside Marl clay pilgrim flasks. The rock-cut chamber off to the north was obviously looted and we only cleaned its uppermost debris.

While the next two days will be busy with final recording, packing, storing materials and traveling to Khartoum, I wish to thank already today all of the local fieldwork staff – as in the last years, they coped with sand, wind, nimiti-flies and especially in the last days with a quite remarkable heat wave.

R0120472aWithout their skills and partly painstaking efforts, the results of this very successful 2015 season would not have been possible – the last days in the shaft and chamber were especially hard and a big “thank you” goes here to Mohammed, Hassan, Samir, Farah and Osman! Looking much forward to continue working with all of them next year insha’allah!


Tracing Ramesside burials in SAC 5

Since a few days we have the confirmation that the burial chamber of tomb 26 opens to the north. Today, the excavation of the shaft was completed, reaching a depth of more than 5.20 m.

Cleaning remains on top of the shaft base of tomb 26.

Cleaning remains on top of the shaft base of tomb 26.

The filling material of the shaft was highly interesting – especially in the lowest level just above the shaft base, two scarabs, a number of complete vessels as well as some stones (pieces of architecture) were found. Three nicely decorated, complete Marl clay pilgrim flasks are especially noteworthy, found together with other pottery vessels (especially storage vessels) and one complete stone vessel.

Three almost complete Pilgrim flasks were found together against the east wall of the shaft.

Three almost complete Pilgrim flasks were found together against the east wall of the shaft.

Since these finds were clustering along the eastern wall of the shaft and in particular in the southeastern corner, the most likely explanation is that remains of a burial were removed from the chamber in the north and left in the shaft during one of the phases of reuse (or possibly plundering?).

Probably the most important finds so far are two sandstone fragments with the name and title of the jdnw of Kush Hornakht. This official of the Egyptian administration in Upper Nubia is already well attested from Sai Island and was active during the reign of Ramesses II. Several of the vessels from the shaft of tomb 26 are datable to the 19th Dynasty, suggesting that the inscribed pieces actually belonged to one of the burial phases. Of course everything has to wait until we checked also the burial chamber and understand the complete picture of tomb 26 and its complex use life, but for now it is possible to say that we found traces of early Ramesside burials in SAC 5. This is extremely exciting and opens much room for new thoughts about the importance of Sai during the Nineteenth Dynasty and its relation to the now flourishing site of Amara West.

First finds in the shaft of tomb 26 at the end of week 9

After the discovery of the shaft of tomb 26 on Tuesday, the cleaning of the shaft kept us busy in the last days and is still ongoing.

It is a roughly rectangular shaft, orientated north-south – we have currently reached a depth of 3.2 m. The filling was in the upper 2.5 m a sequence of windblown and very fine sand with several traces of flood levels between. Obviously the upper part of the shaft was refilled over a long time. It contained a good number of pottery sherds – ranging in date from the mid-late 18th Dynasty, Late New Kingdom to Napatan times – , small fragments of bones and several types of beads.

Mohammed carefully cleaning remains of a flood deposit in the upper filling of the shaft.

Mohammed carefully cleaning remains of a flood deposit in the upper filling of the shaft.

Today we reached a level with a number of stone fragments in 2.5 m depth, large fragments of pottery vessels and a large quantity of scattered bone. The most dominant feature was a large schist slab set against the Northwestern corner, extending along the west wall of the shaft. Obviously it was one of the original closing stones of the shaft during the 18th Dynasty, but fell into the shaft at a later stage. The ceramics from this debris layer suggest a date after the 25th Dynasty – so possibly during the last phase of plundering before the shaft was left open for some time.

One of the original closing stones of the shaft mouth was found collapsed in 2.5 m depth.

One of the original closing stones of the shaft mouth was found collapsed in 2.5 m depth.

All in all, this collapsed schist seems important for understanding the use life of tomb 26 – Martin Fera documented its position with SFM.

SFM documentation of today's situation in the shaft.

SFM documentation of today’s situation in the shaft.

Another very interesting feature is an incised rectangular shape on the north wall, starting just a little bit above the slab – it resembles an opening to a chamber! Whether it was a trial and remained unfinished/was abandoned, or whether there is still a chamber below will become clear after this weekend! I am personally convinced that the chamber will open towards the north.

Thanks to the organizational skills of our rais Imad Shorbagi and the generous support of the local ferryboat crew we were able to get the equipment to remove the slab from the shaft – hopefully this was also a good training for dealing with more finds to come!

Ready for a well deserved weekend: successfully removed the slab from the shaft!

Ready for a well deserved weekend: successfully removed the slab from the shaft!

A new tomb in SAC 5

This year’s goal for the resumed work in the large New Kingdom cemetery SAC 5 was of course the identification of more tomb monuments – yesterday the first outlines of a shaft in our area 2 came to light, today we managed to clean the surroundings and to verify that we have found a previously unknown tomb!

Location of new tomb 26 (looking from pyramid tomb 6 towards the west).

Location of new tomb 26 (looking from pyramid tomb 6 towards the west).

The new structure, christened as tomb 26 of SAC 5, of which we found very faint traces of mud bricks and the shaft, is located between tombs 8 and 7 in the area dug by the French Mission (see Minault-Gout/Thill 2012). In this southeastern part of the cemetery, already 13 New Kingdom tombs have been excavated – and more are probably still to be discovered!

For now, it is still unclear whether we will be able to reconstruct the superstructure of the new tomb – similar to the neighbouring tombs 2, 3, 4 and 5, the shaft is the main feature preserved. With reference to the named tombs, I do expect a rather short shaft of maybe 4-5 meters depth and only one burial chamber.

Upper part of the shaft of newly discovered tomb 26.

Upper part of the shaft of newly discovered tomb 26.

The material we found so far in the sandy filling covers the mid to late 18th Dynasty, the Late New Kingdom and the 25th Dynasty/Napatan Period. It will be exciting to explore the different phases of use of tomb 26 further – and of course we do hope for some glue about the original owner of this burial place in ancient Sai.


Minault-Gout, A./Thill, F. 2012: Saï II. Le cimetière des tombes hypogées du Nouvel Empire (SAC5), FIFAO 69, Cairo.

Cemetery, seals, pots and Nun-bowls in week 8

This week work focused again on fieldwork in the cemetery SAC5 and registration and studying of various find categories in the dig house.

Excavation in area 1 in the southern part of SAC5 proved to be very interesting: we now know that this large sector set between two small hill outcrops probably was completly void of tombs. No burial monuments were located, but rather various interesting topographical features exposed – Martin Fera will compose a digital landscape model in the next weeks attempting a first interpretation of this topography. The fresh information will allow some new insights into the landscape, evolution and size of the New Kingdom cemetery SAC5.

Area 1 with newly exposed topographies.

Area 1 with newly exposed topographies.

In agreement with Florence Thill, we started digging another area in SAC5: area 2 is located north of area 1, just next to various 18th Dynasty monuments like tomb 8. The surface material discovered so far covers all the periods attested for the use of SAC5 as a burial site: mid-late 18th Dynasty, Late Ramesside, Pre-Napatan and Napatan.

Today, a sandy depression was found, surrounded on three sides by bedrock – we’ll continue excavating there, of course hoping for a shaft opening belonging to a new tomb.

Promising new area 2 in SAC5.

Promising new area 2 in SAC5.

Feature 15 keeps us busy in the digging house – most of the washing of the ceramics is now done, but sorting is still ongoing. 60 vessels have been reconstructed so far – dozens of more are still waiting to be joined. Oliver Frank Stephan concentrates on drawing the complete profiles and reconstructed pots. Registration of finds from feature 15 continued – Ken Griffin and Meg Gundlach have been very productive in entering different types of objects into the database. By now, a total of 329 small finds were registered from feature 15! And I am not yet done with sieving, some bags with material from directly above the pavement are still unchecked, for sure comprising more objects. Already 171 seal impressions were documented, mostly dating to Hatshepsut and Thutmose III. We continue to be a bit baffled about the large amount of clay sealings from such a small structure!

Exciting: this week a substantial number of new seal types were registered.

Exciting: this week a substantial number of new seal types were registered.

Sabine Tschorn started with drawing representative fragments of faience vessels – most of which are Nun-bowls, but other shapes like small chalices are also attested. The number of fragments from SAV1 West is much higher than from SAV1 East – probably related to the different character of the areas, but it could also be explained by the slightly later date of deposits in SAV1 West. The late 18th Dynasty, a well-known heyday of faience production, is better attested in our western area than within the surroundings of Building A towards the East.

Happy with small, but diagnostic pieces of Nun-bowls from SAV1 West.

Happy about small, but diagnostic pieces of Nun-bowls from SAV1 West.

Last but not least I am very thankful to Stuart Tyson Smith and his team for welcoming us this week in Tombos – we got a splendid tour through the cemetery and the town site. There are many parallels to Sai Island and I am looking much forward to future results of the Tombos mission and a continous open exchange and collaboration.

First glimpses of Post-New Kingdom use in SAC5, area 2

Sai Island in Northern Sudan has been continuously settled from Prehistory to modern times being occupied by various people throughout the ages. It is well known that the New Kingdom monuments, both the town site and the cemeteries, were reused in periods after the Pharaonic era. We found plenty of evidence during our excavations at SAV1 West and SAV1 East this year – one very nice piece is the adorable giraffe graffito.

For the cemetery SAC5, a re-use of 18th Dynasty tombs in the Late New Kingdom and in the Prenapatan and Napatan Period is well attested thanks to the excavations of the French mission (see Thill 2006-2007). This period, roughly the late 11th century up to the 8th century BCE, is still little understood in Northern Sudan (as it is the case for Egypt) – current excavations, especially at Tombos and Amara West, illustrate that much remains to be discovered from this era.

Today, we started the surface cleaning in a new area in cemetery SAC5. Thanks to the arrival of Florence Thill, who joined us for the upcoming weeks as external expert, we agreed to investigate an as-yet unexplored zone between the already excavated tombs.

Work has started in area 2, cemetery SAC5.

Work started in area 2, cemetery SAC5.

We are currently focusing on the southeastern surroundings of tomb 8. This 18th Dynasty tomb was also used as burial place in the Napatan period – therefore it came as no surprise that the ceramics we collected today from the surface cover a large time span: mid-late 18th Dynasty, Late Ramesside, Pre-Napatan, Napatan and Christian period! Most of the material dates to the 10th-8th centuries BCE – very exciting!

The sorting of the pottery fragments is undertaken at the site - wares and forms are counted, diagnostic pieces selected for further analysis.

The sorting of the pottery fragments is undertaken at the site – wares and forms are counted, diagnostic pieces selected for further analysis.

Thanks to our amazing washing man, the diagnostics found this morning were already clean after lunch: nice painted pilgrim flasks, amphorae (including 2 oases ones!) and especially Napatan cups and beakers.

Thanks to our amazing washing man, the diagnostics found this morning were already clean after lunch: nice painted pilgrim flasks, amphorae (including 2 oases ones!) and especially Napatan cups and beakers.

The next days of work will hopefully tell us whether there are more reused 18th Dynasty tombs in this sector of SAC5, or even a Post-New Kingdom burial place. The first finds are very promising in many respects!


F. Thill. 2006-2007. Les réoccupations “(pré)napatéennes” dans la cimetière égyptien 8B5/SAC5 de Sai, in: Mélanges offerts à Francis Geus, CRIPEL 26, 353–369.

More dogs from Sai Island

Our colleagues working at Amara West just made a somewhat surprising discovery of dog-paw prints in one of their houses! This is the perfect opportunity to present one of the highlights of our season, coming from SAV1 West.

Dogs have been integral parts of AcrossBorders since our very first season in 2013 – over one hundred fragments of fire dogs were found and processed and a small puppy has grown up to become a faithful companion, proud mum and well-known representative of its species even beyond Sai Island.


Dog bones are probably present in the animal bones from the New Kingdom town – small amounts were identified from 18th Dynasty levels in SAV1 North. However, discriminating between dog, jackal and fox bones is challenging and not always possible.

This season the first three-dimensional representation of a New Kingdom dog was discovered within the Pharaonic town! In Square 1 South, a small clay figurine (58 x 35 x 15 mm) was found.

SAV1W 764 (thumbnail)We christened the adorable figurine “Wastl” – Viennese dog owners will understand why! Wastl has a long snout, pointy ears and a small tail. He wears a black collar and his fur is decorated with black dots.

We are still discussing the original use and context of Wastl – some of us think that he is a small figurine and was possibly used as a toy in the 18th Dynasty. Dog figurines are not very common as small objects, but there are parallels from different periods and various sites (cf. Stevens 2006, 52). My first impression was rather a vessel application – especially because of the small width of the figurine and the broken legs despite the otherwise very good state of preservation. Furthermore, the back side of the figurine is less carefully made and not painted, suggesting a front side and thus not a use as an object.

SAV1W 764b (thumbnail)I am grateful to Anna Stevens of the Amara West team who supported this opinion during their visit last week – Anna pointed out large bowls with animal figurines attached to the rim found at Amarna (Stevens 2006: 177-178, fig. II.8.12). While there is no doubt about the identification of Wastl, the Amarna fragments are all broken and just “quadrupeds”.

May it be a figurine or a vessel application – Wastl clearly seems to refer to a domestic dog, emphasized also because of the collar. This opens many questions – was the presumed bowl with small dog applications just a decorative piece? Did it hold a symbolic meaning? Was it maybe even a dog’s bowl? Or was it of personal value for the owner, carrying specific memories from back home?

After eight weeks of absence, nothing is more understandable than the comfort playing with “other” dogs gives, but also pictorial reminders work fine…

DSC00160aIt is completely possible that Wastl belonged to one of the Egyptian officials sent off to Nubia who was a real dog-lover… He definitely managed to delight the AcrossBorders’ dog-lovers – like the other dogs on Sai Island!


Stevens 2006 = A. Stevens, Private Religion at Amarna, BAR International Series 1587, Oxford.