Starting with post-excavation analyses and organizing all data collected during our weeks on Sai Island, the many highlights and working steps in Tomb 26 can be nicely illustrated by a selection of photos:
Start of work in Trench 4 along the North wall.
More and more human remains…
Entrance to Chamber 6 is getting cleaned! First finds and bones appear below the entrance, all covered and sealed by mud deposits.
Oh yes… remains of coffins in Chamber 6!
Highlight of this season – Khnummose’s beautiful stone shabti!
And his fabulous heart scarab…
This niche is not a niche but another chamber – start of work in Chamber 5!
Dense “occupation” in Chamber 5 and lots of complete pots!
Not only the highlight from Chamber 5, but one of the most beautiful objects from all of Tomb 26!
Finishing up documentation in Chamber 5…