Every year: London calling

Like last year, some of AcrossBorders’ team members are heading this weekend for London to the SARS colloquium at the British Museum (Recent Archaeological Fieldwork in Sudan). The focus of this year’s presentations on Monday is on projects within the framework of the Qatar-Sudan Archaeological Project. The programme looks great as usual and it will be exciting to get all this first-hand information and fresh data. I am also very much looking forward to the social aspects and meeting our British and Sudanese colleagues to chat and exchange thoughts.

I am very happy to be able to combine this travel with a long-waited-for trip to Swansea – was kindly invited to give a lecture at the Egypt centre and will talk about settlement archaeology and especially our 2014 season at Sai. I will highlight the new findings at SAV1 East and summarize the importance of SAV1 West for our understanding of the town development! An exciting week is approaching and we’ll keep you posted!

Budka Swansea 2014 titel