From Austria to Italy, Germany, Finland and Egypt: summer break

20140604_130255 smallAcrossBorders’ international team is currently distributed across Europe – some of us have already been on vacation, others are enjoying the beach right now or are just heading for the well-deserved summer break!

This year Jördis and Daniela will be holding the fort in the office during August, to be soon joined by Giulia and Elke.

The first half of 2014 was very busy and indeed successful: after the fruitful field season at Sai we held several workshops and lectures, were able to benefit from experimental archaeology, have submitted papers and continued of course with post-excavation work, statistics and scientific analyses. The second half of this year will bring more excitements – among others a long-waited-for visit of Huda Magzoub to Vienna in late August (hurray!), the Nubian Studies conference in September and our field season on Elephantine from October to December, focusing on early 18th Dynasty ceramics.

I feel privileged heading AcrossBorders’ united team covering so many aspects of New Kingdom archaeology in Egypt and Nubia – but currently I am also grateful for the upcoming short break! Especially because my vacation from the project gives me the opportunity to join the South Asasif Conservation Project: I am very much looking forward to breathe again long-missed Theban air, to meet all my Egyptian and international friends and colleagues, to focus on Kushite archaeology and other wonderful things!

South Asasif

We’ll be back to New Kingdom issues at the end of August!

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