In 2017, we were again an international team: archaeologists, students and specialists from Austria, Germany, the US and of course Sudan participated in the final AcrossBorders 2017 season.
The team members of the 2017 season are the following:
Julia Budka (ERC, Principal Investigator and field director)
Cajetan Geiger (ERC)
Meg Gundlach (ERC)
Franziska Lehmann (ERC)
Huda Magzoub (NCAM)
Daniela Penzer (ERC)
Julian Putner (student, sponsored by the Collegium Aegyptium Munich)
Helmut Satzinger (external expert, ERC)
Lucia Sedlakova (ERC)
Andrea Stadlmayr (FWF)
Oliver Frank Stephan (ERC)
Marlies Wohlschlager (FWF)